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Trust in the power of the forest

Global FSC™ forest week campaign launches

tydzień lasów fsc, fsc, certyfikat, lasy, ekologia

Forest Week is a campaign initiated by the Forest Stewardship Council, highlighting the benefits of sustainable forest management. Its goal is to draw the attention of businesses and consumers to how responsible forest management contributes to environmental protection, combats biodiversity loss, mitigates climate change, and associated negative effects.

The global FSC Forest Week campaign this year takes place from September 23rd to 29th and is themed “Trust in the Power of the Forest.” Forests indeed possess power as they provide not only a natural and versatile resource for economic purposes but also filter the air, purify water, prevent soil erosion, and provide a home for many plant and animal species. Trees themselves, which effectively store CO2, contribute to combating climate change.

tydzień lasów fsc, fsc, certyfikat, lasy, ekologia

The World Needs Forests

Life on Earth is unimaginable without forests. The campaign emphasizes the value of forested areas for all of us and how choosing certified products from sustainable sources can help create resilient forests for future generations.

The Forest Stewardship Counci™l is an international not-for-profit organization that sets standards for responsible forest management, taking into account social, natural, and economic aspects. The campaign, previously known as FSC Friday from 2018 to 2021, has been extended to a full week. Its aim is to inspire businesses and consumers to take pro-environmental actions, including choosing certified products. Certification confirms that the raw material has been sourced from responsibly managed forests with respect for the environment and the rights of local communities.

Preston Packaging is proud to support responsible forest management worldwide by obtaining the FSC certification. During FSC Forest Week, we will celebrate our commitment to forests and encourage our customers to contribute to their protection through their daily choices as well.

Our license code: FSC-C140505.

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